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Final Advice

Important Note: T-Shirts ordering has ended/closed
Event Registration and BBQ orders are still open, closes at Noon June 10, 2016

Final Advice


Safety is PRIORITY ONE:  Any person(s) who, in the trail leader’s sole judgment, presents a  potential danger to others or to themselves, e.g. not following instructions or having an improperly equipped or maintained vehicle or for any other reason deemed appropriate by the trail leader will be immediately excluded from riding with the group (this has never happened before, but we reserve all rights of refusal).

Additional Resources:

Map to City Market
Mountain Biking in Moab, Utah

Final Words:

This year’s changes offers the opportunity for more Grand Cherokee owners to join us with their GC’s for fun in Moab, Utah for a minimal cost.

HAVE FUN! Enjoy the trail rides. Meet, talk, and learn from each other. And last but not least, make it back together safely with little or no damage to our Jeeps.

We all know from our Lists and Forums that Jeepers love to give advice and help each other, especially when they know the answer(s). So don’t be shy--take advantage of your fellow Jeeper’s knowledge and experience--and if you’re planning or considering modifications to your Jeep, check out all of their set-ups.

What a great opportunity to see how they look and perform in person before you decide.

Organizers - GSW 2016


[General Info] [Events] [Trails] [Maps] [Requirements] [Recomendations] [Trails Rules & Tips] [Final Advice] [T-shirt Info] [Reg & Payment] [2016 Vendor Info] [Vendor Specials]