1. A $40.00 fee per vehicle & driver to be collected at registration time, no refunds.
2. All participants and their passengers must sign waivers releasing the organizers/planners, donators and trail guides from any and all liability. Minors must have a parent or guardian who is in attendance at GSW 2016 sign for them.
3. Make sure that you have up-to-date auto and health insurance that will cover any accident should they occur, and make sure you carry your proof of current auto insurance.
4. Attendance at daily driver’s meetings. (see below)
5. All Grand Cherokees that will be running trails must have a transfer case with functional low range capability.
5. A FUNCTIONAL CB RADIO in order to communicate. Channel 10 will be used for group communications. Trail channels will be assigned at the driver’s meeting for each trail and may be changed if the trip encounters crosstalk.
6. Tow points front & rear securely installed required for all trails (hooks or shackles in front and the same for the rear or the factory tow package in lieu of a rear tow hook). There will be a new driver/vehicle inspection before running trails with the group to verify.
7. Functional seat belts for all to be worn while vehicle is in motion. Seat belts save lives. You will be asked to put your seat belt on if you are seen without it.
8. Ask for a spotter anytime you are uncertain about successfully completing an obstacle. If you would prefer a different spotter please say so, do not put yourself in an uncomfortable situation. Also, only one spotter at a time.
9. A full-size spare tire. Donuts DO NOT work on the trail.
10. Your vehicle must be in good working order and be safe for normal road and on-trail operation. It goes to say that buggies should be safe as well for off-road operation.
11. Lunch and snacks
12. WATER! Bring at least one quart per person per day on the trail. More is better! Water is not available on the trail. This cannot be emphasized enough! Also, the last few years we have been running into mountain bikers that have been short on water and it is always great to be able to help them stay hydrated as well.
The rules are here to make for a safe and enjoyable trip for all and to keep everyone safe.